Yes. Yes, sir, I understand.
- Creely.
- Please hold the line, sir.
The President is asking
if we know where the device is headed.
If Deakins had a plane,
it could be anywhere. We just don't know.
I do.
One moment, sir.
General, they've found Captain Hale.
He's atLake Powell.
This is a really bad idea!
- Sir! The prisoner is secure!
- Good job, Tom!
You gentlemen can RTB.
I'll take it from here.
Roger, sir. Returning to base!
They found the raft
on the other side ofthe lake.
Tracks from a heavy truck
ran out when they hit the paved road.
- What about the girl?
- What about her?
What about her!
She's an innocent victim in this.
I got her involved.
When you guys find that truck,...
.. you'll hit it with everything!
I don't want her becoming a casualty.