
l don't want any of these overzealous
assholes puttin' any dents in Archie.

l knew it. You are sweet
on the son of a bitch.

- Look, l know him. He's not that bad--
- He's a low-life scumbag.

All right, then he's my low-life
scumbag, okay ? And who knows ?

After this is over, maybe l can
help him get his life back together.

You look tense, man. Relax.
lt's gonna be all right.

[ Barking ]
Relax. lt's just a nice
little friendly doggy.

How you doin', buddy ?
Long time no see.

Oh, you like that, huh ?
See that ? He loves me.

No, he just licked his balls,
and now he's tryin' to get
that nasty taste outta his mouth.

Hey, ese, don't shoot.
lt's me.

How're you guys doin' ?
Colton didn't say nothing
about no new guy.

All right, Rigo,
meet Rock Keats, mi amigo.

Yo, what's up ?
¿ Còmo està, ustedes ?

What is it about you, man ?
Nobody likes you except me.

[ Shouts ]
$$ [ lndistinct Rap ]
[ Chattering ]
[ Archie ] What you see right there
is 100%% uncut, grade-A heroin.
