[ Crashes ]
Bledsoe, it got all fucked up in there,
all fucked up. Where were you guys ?
[ Groaning ]
We had a flat tire,
- Goddamn it !
- Ohhh !
This little fuckup of yours cost me
millions of dollars. l'm very, very mad.
- l'm sorry. l made a mistake.
- ""l'll suck his--""
""lf he's a cop,
l'll suck your dick.""
l believe l'm close to that
particular quote, am l not ?
l don't think l did say that, actually.
Maybe Bledsoe said that.
Here's your last meal.
l hope you enjoy it.
Oh, don't do this, please.
You don't need to do this.
- [ Barking, Snarling ]
- Get this damn mutt off me !
[ Groaning ]
Oh, you slimy bastard ! God !
Let's move it !
- Blood pressure dropping !
- He's bleeding out !
To the Rock and Archie Show.
You know that.
How long ?
l mean, basically, you're the only guy
l've ever trusted in my entire life.
[ Slurred Speech ]
Welcome back, Jack.
Take it easy for the time being.
Getting back on your feet
isn't going to be easy, but...
you're in good hands.
This is Traci Flynn,
our new physical therapist.
- [ Whispers ] Keep me posted.
- Okay.