
l don't know.
Crime's the only thing l'm good at, man.

l had a normal job once.
l was a busboy.

Got fired in three days.
l don't know how to give people butter.

l got the guy
in the yellow trunks.

Twenty bucks,
man in the green.

- You already owe me 20 bucks.
- For what ?

- Knicks at the Forum.
- [ Mutters ]

You didn't wanna take any points.
Were you out of your mind ?

What a sucker. Here.
You know, maybe l'm the sucker.
Damned handcuff shit !

Man, you really
had me fooled !

l would've done anything for you. l
would've taken a bullet for you, Keats !

l bet that's not even
your real name, ""Keats.""

Holy shit. Your name
really isn't Keats, is it ?

lt's Carter.
Jack Carter.

l told you personal shit about myself,
shit l never told anybody in my life,

and you didn't even
tell me your real name ?

l was working undercover.
What do you expect ?

- You didn't tell anybody, did you ?
- About what ?

The shit l told you ! You probably
told every cop on the force !

What, that they
over-circumcised you ?

That's bullshit !
l made that up to make you laugh !

Don't worry about it.
l didn't tell anybody anything.

- You're a liar.
- Don't give me none of your shit !

l'm not the one that
made you cross that line.

l may be a criminal, but l would never
do to anybody what you did to me, man.

That's messin'
with people's feelings !

That's why your head hurts
right now, man. You feel guilty.

No, my head hurts
because you shot me in it.

- Keats.
- Look, it's Carter.

l put my ass on the line, trying to
make sure nothin' happened to you.

And what did l get ?
A bullet in the head !

That was an accident.
