- Don't say that shit to me.
- lt's the truth.
lf you're not man enough to admit that
what you did was more cold-blooded...
than anything l've done to you,
then l don't wanna hear your mouth !
- Well, it was--
- Don't say it !
[ Screaming ]
An accident !
[ Muffled Muttering ]
Hey, Moses, you know,
my head feels a million times better.
l think l'm gonna sleep
like a baby tonight. How about you ?
Oh, l'm sorry about the turds in there.
lt was an accident.
[ Muffled Shouting ]
$ And l will always $
$ Love you $
But, honey, you're the one
that's always saying...
we need to try new things...
to keep the passion and fire
in our relationship.
Well, how do you know you wouldn't
like a little sandwich action ?
All right, stud,
say good-bye.
Uh, l gotta go, honey.
Where are they ?
Who ?
Understand me.
l'm gonna ask you one more time,
then l'm gonna blow your brains out
all over Mr. Moose.
Bungalow 7.
- Good night.
- [ Grunts ]
[ Groaning ]
[ Twig Snaps ]