[ Phone Ringing ]
Mr. Colton, l've lost 'em,
and l don't know where they are.
Gimme a second.
Fuckin' idiot prick !
Naturally, if you lost 'em,
you don't know where they are.
- You fuckin' idiot.
- Sorry.
- Where might they be ?
- Probably on their way to Los Angeles.
See you later.
Thanks for being a hero, Charlie.
Oh, great, you're puttin'
the handcuffs back on. Thanks !
lt's Finch.
lt's gotta be Finch.
- Something l don't understand, though.
- What's that ?
He's a special D.E.A. officer. These
guys don't usually flip out like that.
Colton can fix anybody he thinks might
be able to help him in the long run.
You fuckin' piece of shit !
You ruined my life ! Sorry, l'm sorry.
Hey, where're you going
right now ?
- Callin' the FBl.
- What ?
Did you not listen
to a word l said ?
What are you telling me ? Colton's
got FBl agents in his pockets, too ?
ls it the plate in your head ?
l don't remember you being this stupid.
Look, Colton's got notebooks
with people's names in it, all right ?
Cops, judges, FBl agents.
l know this 'cause l used to write
some of those names in there myself.
You just don't want the FBl
involved because you think...
it'll be easier for you to run
if it's just me and you.
You know what your problem is?
You see everything in black and white.
You don't realize there's a gray area
in life. That's where most people live.