I've got the runs, sir!
Try some Pernod.
Ass down, Rabier!
Come eat now, sir'
before it's overcooked.
Be right in. We have a guest.
Hey, boys, this is Lt. Norbert!
I added stuffing: Olives and onions'
breadcrumbs and bacon.
Some wine! Don't speak Breton
with our friend here.
If they were all like him'
we'd still be living in caves.
But he's a real fighter!
Know Hill 818?
The little stream?
He went to wash my socks
and came back
nudging a Bulgar! He wanted to give
him a drink. Took him for a Greek!
How could I tell he wasn't Greek?
Cushy, no?
Not for all tastes, though.
De Scève calls this place...
the barbarian's cave.
Bordeaux. Real Bordeaux!
Courtesy of the Brits.
I wanted to buy a case... No way.
So I swiped two without paying.
There's a nibble of stew left...
Let's have it.
No, it's too much.
It's venison!
Big fat General Berthelot would give
his kepi just to suck the bones!
A taste, then.
How do you manage?
The army's starved.
Special diet, you mean?
But our work's special.
You'd find it hard to stomach.
My father said:
"Use what God puts in your pack."
Me, I strike hard and fast. Always!