Capitaine Conan

It's my first leave in 28 months.
I had my last one back in '16.
But since the last 2 ships
were torpedoed, nix!

I hear we're going to Egypt.
To see the Brits?
I think
we're in for a swell surprise.

Look, Bulgaria's here.
Sofia, our starting point.
If we were headed for Greece'
the sun'd be there.

It's not Turkey, or it'd be there.
The sun's back there!
Right behind us!
So we're headed west...
Northwest... Belgrade...
Italy by tomorrow night.
After Italy...
After Italy, Brittany!
I'm cold and hungry.
It's De Scève! C'mon!
De Scève! Conan here!
No detraining!
Go tell it to you Momma!
Come with us!
I'll join up with you later.
I'm staying with them.
