Chain Reaction

Every idea that offers a competitive
advantage to Americans is subject to theft.

And that, gentlemen, could be catastrophic.
Mr Shannon,
over the past ten years,
this committee has approved

hundreds of millions of dollars
for your research projects

without having one good,
goddamn idea about where the hell

all the money was going.
He's talking about our tax dollars up there.
We were under the impression, Senator,
that you passed legislation
to ensure that you wouldn't know.

Or perhaps, more accurately,
that you didn't want to know.

I'm aware of the law, Mr Shannon,
thank you. I wrote it.

But I don't remember,
when I drafted it, that I anticipated

a large portion
of the south side of Chicago blown up.

What assurances can you give me
and this committee

that this event will never happen again?
None, Senator.
The incident in Chicago was tragic,
to be sure.

But sometimes that is the price we must pay
to ensure our competitive edge in the future.
We didn't intend to pay for
our space exploration programme

with the lives of ten American astronauts.
But we did.

we must not waver in our commitment

to scientific research and development.
As you gentlemen know,
there are many threats to our way of life.
And not all of them wear uniforms
and carry guns.
Mr Shannon, I want to thank you for your
appearance today before this committee.

You have spoken like a true patriot
of whom this country can be very proud.
Thank you, sir.
