Oh, thanks.
You know you're pregnant?
Are you thinkin'
about havin' this child?
Oh, I don't know.
I don't know.
.. Through informants
and investigation
that you are involved in
the manufacturing of the dope.
Whoever told you
that's a liar.
That's gonna have to be
determined by the courts.
Pregnant? Jesus Christ.
Pregnant? Jesus Christ.
She probably doesn't even know
who the father is.
Hell, I'll drive her
by the pound
on the way downtown
and get her spayed.
Do you know how many
times you've been arrested
for hazardous vapor inhalation
in the last year and a half,
Miss Stoops?
Uh... five?
...13... 14... 15...
16 times.
Do you know how many times
we've given you
substance-abuse treatment
in the state hospital
instead of jail?
Uh... three?
Uh, no, no.
Five, five.
Six... six times.
The record also shows
that over the years,
the state has stripped you
of four children,
declaring you, in all cases,
an unfit mother.
Unh-unh, unh-unh.
I was only unfit
for, uh, two of 'em.
First one got adopted,
and I think the second one...
Shut up. Tell me something,
Miss Stoops.
Did you know you were pregnant
at the time of your arrest?
I don't know.
What do you mean
you don't know?
Is there any way...
you can begin to understand
the depth
of your irresponsibility
toward your children,
toward the state,
not to mention
toward yourself?!
You sicken me.
I'm sorry.