How was jail?
Well, I met a new friend.
Meet Ruth Stoops.
We just want you
to stay here, you know,
as long as you need to,
to sort things out.
What's ours is yours.
Thanks, 'cause I'm kind of,
you know,
between places right now.
Well, you know what they say...
"Su casa es mi casa. "
...Oh, uh, Ruth...
We don't really sit
in those chairs.
Um, you know what?
Why don't, uh,
you come back here,
and I'll show you
where to freshen up,
and then after dinner,
we'll... we'll...
we'll get you all set up
in the guest room, okay?
Uh, you do like steak,
don't you?
Mommy, do we still have
to wait for that lady?
I'm really hungry.
Yes, young man.
She's our guest.
Gail, this meat is done.
I'm trying to keep it warm,
but you're gonna be eatin'
shoe leather here.
Been in there
over an hour.
An hour and a half,
for cryin' out loud.
This is probably the first warm,
cozy place she's been in.
...She's been out on the street.
I mean, my God.
You have got to be careful with
the people you drag in here.
You don't know anything
about this woman.
You don't know
where she's been.
You don't know what kind
of life she leads.
...It takes a long time...
...Think of Matthew for once!
Think how long it takes me
to get ready.
I mean,
she's just getting cleaned.
Mom, can I at least have
a little snack?
That does it.
Is everything all right
in there?