what did she say to you?
Can we go now?
We got about an hour
and a half left.
I don't feel too good.
I got a really bad headache.
Oh. Why don't you sit down
I'll get you
something to drink.
My stomach hurts.
I wish I could take a dump.
I'm really constipated.
Let's go, uh,
have you sit in the car.
Okay? Would that
make you feel better?
Now, be sure
and crack the window
if you get overheated.
Y- You sure
you're gonna be all right?
Aw. Fuck!
Page 52 of your study guide.
You will see how
at no risk to you
and with absolutely
no money down
you can own your own home.
It's only fear that holds
people back in life
and keeps them from achieving
financial independence.
If you just have a little
confidence in yourself
and allow the Larry Jarvik
system to work for you,
I guarantee
you'll be equipped
to take control
of your own economic destiny
in ways you've never dreamed