From the window
the other day.
...Tryin' to get you out.
...Got it.
The "Baby Savers" are declaring
a national alert.
A national alert?!
And Jessica Weiss herself
might declare a counter alert
and fly in personally.
Jessica Weiss here?
She's coming here?
What? What?
I thought you said
everything's okay.
It is.
Everything is okay.
It's... It's just
a little different now.
This might be hard
to understand,
but you're at the center
of something really big now.
It's not just about you
It's more about the choice
of millions of American women.
Oh! What'd I do now?!
Nothing. Nothing.
You didn't do anything.
Don't worry. We're gonna make
sure you have your appointment
without any interference.
There may be
a few more people around,
and they may be yelling
some ugly things,
but don't let that bother you.
Ruth, we love you!
Don't kill the baby!
Ruth, don't do it!
Save the baby!
Save the baby, Ruth!
Save the baby!
Ruth! Please, Ruth!
Ruth, please!
Save Tanya! Ruth!
Don't kill Tanya!
Listen, please don't kill
the baby!
Get her away
from those windows!
He's gonna try to kill me!
I gotta get out of here!
We're not gonna let anything
happen to you.
The safest place for you right
now is right here in this house.
Harlan has everything
under control.
Don't kill the baby!
Ruth! Save the baby!
You can't show weakness now.
You've got to prove to them
that you're not gonna give
in to their pressure.
We're gonna have to get her
a special appointment tomorrow.
Let's get a call in to Sarah.
It's ABC News. They want
an interview with Ruth.
Ruth is not giving
any interviews!
This is a private matter!