So much so that concerned people
from all across this nation,
including Blaine Gibbons,
our national chairman,
are committed to Ruth.
So we're... we're expecting
many, many people.
in the next few days.
But we have something else
very exciting to announce.
But we have something else
very exciting to announce.
And for that, I'm going to turn
the microphone over
to Dr. Charlie Rollins,
the director of our Tendercare
Pregnancy Center.
Thank you, Norm.
Well, I am very proud to be able
to say that an anonymous donor
hearing of Ruth Stoops' plight
was moved to reach out
in a very special way.
I am holding here a check
for $ 15,000 made out
in the name of Ruth Stoops
to be presented to her
upon the birth of her child.
$ 15,000!
The "Baby Savers" also said
three different couples
have volunteered
to adopt Ruth Stoops' baby.
Meanwhile, anti-abortion
protestors continue to arrive
outside this house
where Ruth Stoops is staying.
The house belongs
to Diane Zeigler,
an abortion-rights activist.
So the question
on everyone's mind is
"What will Ruth Stoops do?"
Only she knows, and for now,
she's not talking.
Don Mattox, Eyewitness News.
What the hell do you think
you're doin'?
I'm rich! Didn't you hear?
I gotta go talk to Norm.
I gotta get that check.
No, no, no.
You're not going anywhere.
Ruth, listen to me.
Listen to me.
You've got to be very strong.
You've made your decisiĆ³n,
and you've got to stick to it.
It's my body, right?
It's my choice, right?
Can't I change my mind, huh?
Can't I?
Yes, of cour... of course
you can change your mind.
That's what this is all about.
Just make sure you're doing it
for the right reasons.