Citizen Ruth

Sure, Blaine.
You're a great kid.
Did I ever tell you
about Eric?

His mother was standing
on the steps
of the abortuary

about to go in
and kill her baby.

And she heard a Christian voice,
and that voice said,

"You don't have to go
in there.

"God loves you.
God loves your baby."
So she stopped, with tears
in her eyes, and she said,

"I'm an unmarried woman.
"I cannot afford the expenses
of having a child.

"No one cared enough
"to give me the strength
to accept this baby.

No one but this one
Christian man."

And that Christian man...
was me.

Ha ha ha!
Years later, at a rally,
I saw the young lady again.
And I said to her,
this young man's name?"

And she said,
"This is Eric."

And that was the proudest day
of my life.

Hey, Harlan.
Thanks for that money.
No problem.
Are you married, Harlan?
No, but I got a couple
of ex's on the payroll.

You got a girlfriend?
Are you comin' on to me?
Because if you're coming
on to me,

you can just forget it.
I'm not comin' on to you.
