I'm talking about
a federal law, pal.
Now get back.
You know the routine.
Get back!
I know
exactly how these giris feel.
Years ago,
I had an abortion
in this place.
It destroyed me.
I think
about my dead baby all the time.
If these women knew
what they were doing,
they wouldn't do it.
No, it's just
a business to them.
400 or 500 bucks a pop.
It's like contract killing.
Ruth Stoops. Hi, I'm
Cindy Lindstrom, Action News 4.
You're a hard person
to get ahold of.
I have a couple of questions
about your case.
No, I don't want people
knowing my business.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Now, now, wait a minute, now.
Ruth does not wish to speak
to the press right now.
This is a very personal,
very private matter
for Ruth and for us.
Excuse me, Norm, but I think
she can speak for herself.
Hey, I said I don't want
people knowin' my business!
I told you!
You see?
Now we got people upset.
what did she say to you?
Can we go now?
We got about an hour
and a half left.
I don't feel too good.
I got a really bad headache.
Oh. Why don't you sit down
I'll get you
something to drink.
My stomach hurts.
I wish I could take a dump.
I'm really constipated.
Let's go, uh,
have you sit in the car.
Okay? Would that
make you feel better?
Now, be sure
and crack the window
if you get overheated.
Y- You sure
you're gonna be all right?
Aw. Fuck!