Kid's dead.
So's the dealer.
And the cop?
Not good.
Whose bullet killed the child?
We don't know yet.
What's our ETA?
Bellevue in 10, sir.
How old was the...?
What was it, a boy?
Six years old.
And what was our budget
as of midnight?
$31.7 billion.
It costs a lot to have our
children slaughtered in the streets.
Coming through.
Step back, please.
How's he doing?
Just coming out of surgery.
- Coming through.
- Give them room.
Step back. All the way.
Where's the widow?
She's not a widow yet.
You'll introduce me.
Combat Cross,
Medal for Merit...
...Honorable Mention,
Department Medal of Honor.
- Any kids?
- Two.
Five and 3.
A boy and a girl.
Wife's name is Elaine.
Elaine Santos.
Which one is she?
Don't point.
In the red. The other's the sister.
I'm John Pappas.
- I'm so sorry.
- Thank you.
If there's anything we can do...
- Which one was the shooter?
- They're both shooters.
One's dead, one's almost.
We know the dealer.
Tino Zapatti.
It's Paul's nephew.
- What happened?
- Don't know yet.
Detective Santos was signed out,
that we know.
But he carried no radio,
wore no vest.