City Hall

An editorial lauding our choice
of convention city.

The President loves a good
Times editorial.

- Let me assure you...
- The vote's in. We got it.

Let them catch their shuttle.
I'm sure they're running late.

- Thank you.
- Thank you so much.

MacNeil/Lehrer, Friday night.
Zapatti's bullet
killed the child.

It wasn't the cop.
That's it!
That's what passes for
good news these days.

I'll take it.
I saw Tino Zapatti's
probation report.

Exemplary, but an odd thing.
It's front-loaded.
- With who?
- With supervisory personnel.

But it's signed off on
by an honest judge.

- Judge Walter Stern?
- Yes.

Thank God.
I'm meeting Frank Anselmo
for breakfast.

- Oh, good. Where?
- Woerner's.

- The hangout at Borough Hall?
- That's it.

When you go to Brooklyn,
you're Frank Anselmo's guest.

Don't piss up his leg.
Just get him off
this infrastructure thing.

Nothing wrong with it...
...just unaffordable right now.
Good work tonight.

Mrs. Marquand couldn't stop talking
about the cover of Time.

I think she collects them.
National ink,
the mother's milk of politics.

Did I hear right, or
did we get the convention?

It's not signed and sealed...
...but it is delivered.
And you were the closer.
I thought I had him with
the second-city stuff.

Of course you did.
You know why?
It belongs here.
New York City.
This is the place.
Excuse me.
All right,
the story's on the 10:00 news.

A little slow.
- Took the life of an
innocent 6-year-old...

... on his way to school
during a police action.

They're all over it
like a cheap suit.

It's gonna stick
to us like one too.

- 6-year-old James Bone...
... on his way to school.
Ballistics from the police lab

... the wayward bullet that killed
the boy came from Zapatti's gun...
