City Hall

Hover, nudge, show we care.
And then we gotta do
something concrete.

Something big,
something important.

Something that means jobs.
That means building Bank Exchange.
I won't let these shootings interfere
with my program for the city.

I'm speaking at the boy's funeral.
James Bone's funeral.

That's a blueprint for trouble.
I don't care.
It's the right thing to do.
I don't think
you'll be welcome there.

They got me anyway.
Let's go to work.

Kevin, I need you.
So what happened?
Frank Anselmo and his real-estate
cronies is what happened.

They want the subway stop to raise
their land value.

The property around Bank Exchange?
Anselmo said,
"No subway stop...

:30:52 Bank Exchange. "
- And you said?

I thought we could keep Anselmo
on the back burner...

...but we need Bank Exchange.
We need jobs. We need that money
going into the community.

Given the situation at
Broadway and Marcy...

:31:05's politically expedient.
The hell with
politically expedient.

I'm talking about a 60-story building
that'll employ 3000 people.

It'll put food on the table.
That's what counts. That's what
we're about. That's Bank Exchange.

That's all it is.
You said we can't
afford a subway stop.

That'll take politics.
More than one way to skin a cat.
Get in there.

Keep that staff fired up.
You're the boss.
What are you doing tonight?
Hadn't thought about it.
You ever see Carousel?
The musical? You serious?
A little before my time.
You'll love it.
Frank Anselmo will be there.
I'm free.
