Can you believe this shit?
We never set foot in that dump
after Eddie's father died.
- It's full of hornets' nests.
- Yeah, busy hornets.
Never in our life
did we see $4000 cash...
...much less 40.
There's only two people know
that's not Eddie's money. You and me.
Who is this?
Vinnie Zapatti.
I can get you out of this.
I can get you the pension, the medals.
You want them?
Sure, sure, I want them.
Good. Now, I liked Eddie...
...and I wanna help you,
but you gotta help me.
What's that mean?
An airplane ticket and $ 10,000.
$ 10,000!
For God's sake, I can't...
- A lot of money! What've you got?
- Who are you?
Marybeth Cogan.
Detectives' Endowment Association.
I represent the Santos family.
What have you got?
I made the meeting
for Eddie with Tino...
...so he could give up
what he knew about the judge.
And what was that?
10,000 and a plane ticket.
I'll give you the destination later.
Your information is worthless
unless I can bring a witness.
Which Zapatti are we meeting?
Paulie had two brothers.
Tino was John's boy, Vinnie is Jimmy's.
So Vinnie and Tino are cousins?
That's right, cousins.
They have cousins in Louisiana?
Down there, we're all cousins.
If you got a cousin,
you got a vote.
Then why not run for office
instead of carrying the mayor's bag?
I consider it an honor
not only to carry his bag...
...but also to fill it with
things I think the city needs.