They fished him out of
the 79th Street Basin.
Victim's hands were bound in a
3- inch chain, ship's chandlery type.
Forensics reveal blows...
...from a blunt instrument.
Where have you been?
- Had a busy night.
- I'm sure you did.
Read this morning's
operations printout?
What about it?
I was with Vinnie Zapatti last night.
He's dead because of Tino Zapatti's
probation report.
Now there's four deaths.
They're connected.
- That's all I know...
- That's all I wanna know!
- Just trying to circle the wagons.
- Circle the wagons?
Who do you think you are?
Some gumshoe in a dime novel...
...loose-cannoning around the city?
Consorting with known mobsters!
Kevin, for God's sakes!
You're the mayor's right-hand!
What are you fucking around for?
You see this desk?
It belonged to Fiorello La Guardia,
"the little flower. "
He was about 5 foot tall.
Used to read the funny papers
to children over the radio...
...and was about
the best mayor the city ever had.
Know what La Guardia said?
"Why is it
every time you can do some good...
...the nice people come in
and mess you up?"
Be nice. Don't mess me up.
- Did I wake you up?
- You kidding?
I've been trying to figure out
how to raise $ 10,000.