City Hall

There was another probation report.
This one...
:08:22 set Tino up for the max,
10 to 20.

What happened to it?
I don't know.
Who wrote it?
That's all I got.
The probation officer...
James Wakeley.
You won't find him on Leonard Street.

Where is he?
Upstate, working parole.
I told you not to come up here.
You made a long trip for nothing.
Do you want to tell me the truth
now or under oath?

You looking to grow
brass balls, miss?

I'm doing well without them.
Do you want a subpoena,
or may we continue?

What brought you here
from Leonard Street?

New York State parole officer.
Better pay and pension.

- Nicer surroundings.
- Think so?

- What happened to Tino Zapatti?
- He's dead, isn't he?

I'm talking about two years ago.
