...that will stay with me
for the rest of my life.
I went up to him and told him
I admired him and what he stood for...
...and while I was thanking him...
...he asked me if I liked stone crabs.
Halfway through dinner, I had a job.
At the end of dinner,
I felt like I had a new home.
And here we go.
I hear the curve in your voice.
I've been with Pappas for 3 years...
...and I finally found a place, where
you can make a difference.
Well, you did.
You made a difference
to Elaine Santos.
You cleared Eddie's name,
got their pension.
Yeah, but not so fast.
We gotta keep Wakeley on ice
till I find that report.
We don't need the report.
We just take Wakeley's deposition.
No, that's all you need.
I gotta get that report,
see where it leads.
What if,
while you're playing detective...
...Wakeley decides
it'd be healthier to disappear?
Then we're left with nothing.
How's Elaine
supposed to feed her kids?
That's a risk we gotta take.
I don't need you
to get Wakeley's deposition.
If you talk to him on your own...
...you'll feel the full weight
of the mayor's office upon you.
It's not a pleasant feeling.
You're a mean prick, you know that?
Where I come from,
that's a compliment.
Hold on a minute.
To what?
Your ambition?
John Pappas' coattails?
Burger, fries, Coke
and a lemon pudding.
I'll take these.
The mayor's boy gets the lemon pudding.