This one's a terrier.
I had a dog like him once.
I went to have him put down.
He jumped out of my arms at the vet's
and took off for the park.
Sometimes I still think
I see him out there...
...watching me...
...gnawing on an old bone.
Excuse me.
Hello, Nettie.
Can I help you with the basket?
No, no. I didn't know
Frank was expecting you.
Due espressi?.
Maybe later.
99 out of 100 times,
we can beat something like this.
I don't like the odds.
We go back a long way.
I know, I know.
I tried to close the door, Frank.
Couldn't get it shut.
- What do you want me to do?
- Take the pressure off yourself.
Here's the thing. They'll tell you:
"Yeah, yeah, sure.
You have the key to the cell.
Go ahead. "
But you won't be able
to open it without singing.
You're a singer.
Give me a chance, and I'll show you
how quiet I can be.
It's out of my hands, Frank.
Do the right thing, will you?
- Make it easy for yourself.
- Frank, honey. Lunch!
And your family.