Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed
And blown
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
I know the water's rising.
It's up to the floorboards.
But I guarantee you...
...we're bailing it out faster than
we're taking it in.
Let me call you back.
I'll call you
when we can talk at length.
Anselmo just killed himself.
And this is the original
probation report.
The one we were looking for.
They found it in Anselmo's car.
The police commissioner gave it to me.
He didn't want it ending up
as tomorrow's headline.
"Tino Zapatti.
Recommended prison sentence:
10 to 20 years. "
- Check this one out?
- This one's kosher.
The story ends where it began.
White-shoe lawyer,
Brooklyn clubhouse boss.
Walter Stern and Frank Anselmo.
Don't see them in the same room.
Something's still wrong, you know?
I know.