City Hall

I thought I'd come in and
find you on your knees.

Instead, you're turning
adversity into triumph.

That's just a reflex.
An old habit of mine.

But it's still good to hear you say it.
The way you say it too.
"Adversity into triumph. "
It's good to know
you still believe in me.

Did I say that?
I don't know.
I thought you did.

Don't fathers listen to their sons?
How is your father these days?
I haven't heard you mention him
for a while. Where is he?

In a nursing home in
Crowley, Louisiana.

Plays dominoes with orderlies.
Fulminates over his Cream of Wheat.
Don't be too hard on him.
We can't dictate our finishes.
I don't like the sound of that.
Of course you don't.
Because underneath
all that need to believe...

...under all the concrete
you poured into my pedestal...

...something is crying to get out.
You know I called Judge Walter Stern.
Anselmo called me.
I knew the Mafioso had called him, but
in this business, you don't trade names.

And I called Walter.
That's all there was to it.
I was doing Anselmo a favor.
Run caution lights all my life.
This time you ran a red, and
someone cut across the intersection.

A cop and a 6-year-old child.
That's with me forever.
That's not good enough.
