- You're the only voter I care...
- I'm getting that "con" feeling.
- Like you're copping a plea.
- No, come on. No plea.
I'm just a pol who kept rolling along
until he ran into a stone wall.
You were that wall.
And I realized...
...just like me when I was a kid.
Young, ambitious, go-getter, but fair.
Trading up, but always for
the right causes. You're doing good.
Not putting money in your pocket.
Just trying to maintain your position.
Your power.
What good are you
to the people without it?
But down deep...
...you know there's a line you
can't cross.
And after a thousand trades...
...and one deal too many...
...the line gets rubbed out.
I had the fire in the belly
just like you, Kevin.
And the odd thing is,
I still have it.
Never left me.
I had the dream...
...and I had the weight.
Like one of those guys before me said:
"If a sparrow dies in Central Park,
I feel responsible. "
Well said. I feel that way.
I was gonna take
that feeling with me...
...all the way to Washington.
The things you could have done.
Fucking things I could've done.