You're gonna take yourself out, John.
You're gonna take yourself out.
Take a long vacation in Greece.
Pick up the law again.
Go the way of William O'Dwyer.
He fucked up
and played ambassador to Mexico.
I'm not that ambitious.
Then suck it up,
and find some other way.
Listen to you.
I thought I'd see a boy's tears.
The tears are there.
Just can't see them right now.
You got the stuff, Pappy.
I love to see it in a guy.
Kevin Calhoun for City Council.
Voters of the 6th District...
... come meet your next
city councilman, Kevin Calhoun.
Kevin Calhoun. How are you?
Kevin Calhoun.
How about some literature?
Kevin Calhoun. How are you, sir?
Good afternoon.
I'm running for 6th District.
We got some important issues.
We need to clean this place up.
I'd love your vote.
I'm running for City Council.
Hello. Kevin Calhoun.
- Running for City Council.
- I'll vote for you.