And I hold her slim waist and I feel how her holy voice flows
right into my heart.
And people stand on the sides and clap their hands,
serving us cups of tea like in a marathon.
But the slope never ends.
And I look for the break, and there isn't any.
You see how it's connected with you, Tikel?
Have you ever been in love, Tikel?
At your age I was desperately in love with a girl.
I did a lot of nonsense to impress her.
You know what she does today?
She works at the post office.
Sitting and putting stamps, with her butt.
Never mind. Sometimes you do mistakes out of blindness, Tikel.
But at the end, we each go back to our natural place.
Like the salmon.
Like the salmon,
that comes back to where it was spawned,
After circling the northern ocean
for four years and two months.
Now, I want you to admit your pathetic attempt at rebellion.
Admit it now.
Look, I don't know what other children told you,
but I didn't copy no exam, and didn't organize any rebellion.
I sat down, and solved the exercises.
But I do believe I understand the salmon parable.
Get out of my office!
Galit Biron!!!