What's nothing?
I don't know.
What do you mean "I don't know"?
Come on, Eddie, get in the car you cocksucker
I have some things to do until we get there.
That's Vered, Rosie's sister.
Come on, get in!
There are two kinds of girls I can't stand.
Whores and snitches.
You're both a whore and a snitch.
We'll have to kill you.
Rosie, the flower looks ready to be watered.
You have the mind of a horse,
so you should be able to understand that the chemical effect of a lighter and fuel, is called fire.
You're insane Rosie, that's real fire...
Let me go, we have a math test now.
Instead of sports we have a math test again.
How do you know?
Clara told me.
When did she tell you?
Right now.