Are these all of them?
No, there's one more, but I can't concentrate like that.
Can you back off a little?
Come on Elinor! The scooter is on the way!
We still need to copy the answers.
First, you don't let anyone go out during the test.
Don't even let them go to the toilet.
Be especially careful of the little women.
This exactly the age, where their fluids go into their head
and all those hormonal eruptions make them not distinguish
between right and wrong.
I saw girls that age do some terrible things.
And as a principal, of course, I can't give them a body search.
But pay very good attention to those trained little kittens.
I've been awake since five.
I hope you picked the harder questions from the book this time.
Nobody knows what questions will be in the test. Not even me.
Elinor Galash, come here.
Is this a personal test, teacher?
No. This is the lottery.
Books, notebooks, only one pencil on the desk.
Elinor Galash.
You're invited to put your hand inside, and tell everyone what you feel in there.
Well, what do you feel there?
Notes, teacher.
How many notes?
A thousand notes.