to catch us red handed.
After that, he started to go wild.
Banging on the walls. Licking toilets.
I tell you, the system is paralyzed. We need to take advantage of it.
Lets smear shit on his windshield.
Go to the jungle you pervert.
I have a great idea.
Let's burn down the school today.
We'll do something real heavy that will put this place in the country's history books.
Listen to what I tell you. The revolution starts here.
Ok, Rosie. Your place at 4. Bye.
Did you notice that Tikel got soft lately?
Let me tell you something, but you better swallow what I tell you,
so you don't spill it out at the wrong moment.
Tikel is in love with Clara. I've noticed it long ago.
Both by how he talks and by the way he looks at her.
I think this screws his mind a little.
And if you're asking me, I don't know if he's not a double agent for Tisona.
What are you saying?
He doesn't know it, but he's in love.
I thought he was going for Elinor.
Where are your eyes? Tikel's nothing to Elinor.
Elinor Galash has been fucking pilots for two years.
You've gotta learn to see the hints people transmit.
Be sensitive to what's going on around you.
It'll help you personally.
Ok, I'll bring the fuel, and you'll bring the spray.
Ok. Bye.
Bring black. They'll put us into "Catastrophes in Israel".