Clara Hakedosha

That's beautiful.
I think we should report about them turning off the instruments.
We could be buried alive out here, and nobody would know.
Shut up! You don't see things like that even in my sister's German movies.
I'll kill Tikel with this story tomorrow.
We need to isolate them one by one. Like lab rats.
A single student by the blackboard instantly has 40 enemies,
no matter how loved he is.
Say, don't you feel something stuffed in...
I only feel the catharsis pounding inside my body.
Like in Vietnam.
Get Tikel out.
I was at your house. I saw the stuffed animals on the walls.
You think your innocence will vanquish the world?
I think you're nothing but a poor wandering soul looking for love.
What kinds of thoughts run around in your head?
We understand your problems better than ten shrinks would.
You want freedom? You want to make revolutions? Go fuck Charlie!
You only think you hate your teachers.
You actually adore us.
You adore me because I have power.
That's what you don't understand.
Go to the blackboard and solve an exercise.
If there's one student I'd charge the Bastille with it's you, Tikel.
That's why I asked you to come here.
To warn you.
I was in her house, Tikel.
I saw the stuffed animals on the walls.
She's a witch.
Be careful of her, Tikel.
