This Huey, did it take any fire?
Right off the bat.
But this time
when the Huey comes back, it returns fire.
Ground troops go for cover.
Then the Huey circles back over the tank...
That's when
they threw something overboard.
- Threw something, or something fell off?
- I couldn't tell, but the tank blew.
Man, did it ever blow!
We, uh, we never did see
what knocked the Huey down.
We couldn't see the crash.
That night we caught sporadic ground fire.
The Huey was down below,
between us and the enemy,
so they caught most of it.
Any communications
between you and them?
No, sir. As I said, our radio was wasted.
Shouting just draws enemy fire.
So the Iraqis,
they start to close in on the Huey...
under cover fire,
and the Huey returns fire.
We figure it's all over,
and that's when we hear the rescue team.
Cobras, Hueys...
And a big-ass A-10 Thunderbolt.
I swear I never heard such a sweet sound.
But now the fuckers are...
I'm sorry, sir.
The Iraqis are letting loose with all they got.
You were right the first time.
Plus the Huey crew is still banging away.
We load our wounded aboard,
and that's when
somebody decided to leave the dead.
I guess it was the commander of the rescue.
And this... Huey crew,
they, uh, they returned fire
all through the final rescue?
Yes, sir. I... I think so.
I couldn't see much, though.
I heard it.
Nothing else sounds like an M-16.
Not no A-K or M-60.
I heard it, too.
The last thing we see is the Thunderbolt
dropping napalm on the downed choppers.