- We're taking fire!
- Holy shit!
- Kill that motherfucker, Monfriez!
- I may as well be pissing on him.
- We need a fucking air strike!
- We got no fucking bomb!
- Making another pass, Ren?
- Yep.
No! We should go for altitude,
and call for support.
After we slow down that tank!
- How we gonna do that?
- Shut up and listen, soldier!
unhook the aux fuel bladder port side.
Get ready to push it overboard.
Push it overboard, ma'am?
Ilario, unhook the flare gun!
What the fuck...
Do it!
It's a bomb, asshole!
Target coming up!
Gimme more!
Ready here!
- Got it?
- I got it!
- Tell us when you're there! He'll kick it!
- Allow for the speed of the craft!
- The pod will drop at the same velocity!
- He knows.
Pick your moment!
Oh, my God!
Whoa! Shit!
Whoa! Oh, God!
Hang on, Ilario! Grab a hold of me!
Don't let go of me! Pull me in!
Hang on.
Come on, Ilario! Pull yourself up!
Do something!
No! No! Rady, call in a Mayday!
Ilario, call it in!
Mayday! Dustoff-3... we are going down!
Mayday! Mayday! This is Dustoff-3!
We're going down! Mayday! Mayday!
This is Dustoff-3!
We're going down! We're going down!