Mayday! Mayday! This is Dustoff-3!
We are going down!
Mayday! Mayday! This is Dustoff-3!
We're going down! We're going down!
We're going down! Oh, my God...
That's it.
I woke up three days later
on a hospital ship.
Nearly bought it, that's sure.
When did you decide
the type of career in the Army you wanted?
That happened about
my third year at West Point when I was...
I could have gone in the Air Force.
I stood high enough in my class.
You can't get away from that guy.
He's everywhere.
- Hell of a soldier, though.
- You think so?
I know so.
Really. How?
I was with him in the Gulf.
No shit.
- Doing what?
- Armoured cavalry.
Once upon a time,
I was humping in the delta.
- With who?
- The 9th.
- You kicked some serious butt.
- That's right.
- One for my friend...
- Colonel Nat Serling.
Make it a double for Colonel Serling.
Tony Gartner, Washington Post.
They won't find any criminal culpability
in the Al Bathra incident.
You got nothing to worry about.
Those were my men.
I put that badly. I'm sorry.
Look, I went to Virginia
and spoke with Mr and Mrs. Boylar.
You what?
I'm sorry, but they got a right
to know what happened to their son.
I'll take that.