Move! Come on! Let's go!
Where's Walden?
Captain Walden is dead.
Strike leader, this is Dustoff-6.
We have all the friendlies.
You're clear and hot.
Roger, Dustoff-6. Going on down.
Is she gonna get it?
Is she gonna get the medal?
Well, I sincerely hope so.
I just... I don't want to tell that story again.
Not one more time.
Yeah, I understand.
May I be excused?
Yes, you can.
Oh, one more thing I'm confused about.
This M-16...
Did it run out of ammo?
Uh, what did I say?
I don't remember. That's why I'm asking.
I guess, uh...
I guess it ran out of ammo
some time during the morning.
Or, no, some time during the night...
I don't know.
See, the Blackhawk crew
said they heard M-16 fire...
during the rescue that morning.
Did they?
That's right.
Must've been wrong, then.
Them or you?
Who, them or you?
Oh, them. Them, yeah.
No, they must have been wrong.
What about the letter?
A what?
You and Walden traded letters to send home
in case anything happened to you.
Oh, yeah. Yes, sir.
So, who was hers to?
Her folks.
- So you sent it?
- Yeah.