Courage Under Fire

Will there be
a public statement of the facts...

when the investigation is over, sir?
There's been a decision not to release
any findings until every case...

has been thoroughly reviewed.
Well, how long do you imagine
that will be, sir?

I mean, next time I see Lieutenant Boylar's
parents, I'd like to tell them the whole truth.

You know how many grieving parents
I had to deal with during Vietnam?

This is not Vietnam.
Lieutenant Boylar's tank
was hit by uranium-depleted shells.

We're the only country
in the world that uses them.

We got reporters from the Washington Post
looking for the truth,

and the only person that knows it
can't say it...

because these investigators
are dragging their backsides!

Someone has got to be
accountable for this, sir.

Take a seat.
Nat, I'm going to give you
all the rope in the world.

First you imply I'm not interested...
in an accurate report on Captain Walden.
Now you're suggesting there must be
some cover-up going on about Al Bathra.

So how do you want me to respond?
As your commanding officer,
or as your friend
who nursed you, pushed promotions,

and fucking burped your kids
at their baptisms?

Just how should I respond?
I'm sorry, sir.
I should hope by God you would be.
losing a man like your friend Boylar,
I've been there.
Well, this...
whole mess...
It's my ass on the line
right there beside yours.
