The people you play against,
find out what they're interested in.
Pretend you're interested.
They start running off at the mouth,
don't pay attention to their cards.
Medevac folks,
they love to talk about their choppers.
Paid for this baby.
So, talk to me about, um,
25 February.
25 February? Yes, sir.
I had some phys rehab time.
Got into boxing.
Want a soda pop?
No, sir. No, I'm good.
25 February.
So, 25 February...
Major, uh, what's his butt? Garden party...
Teegarden. Major Teegarden.
Right. Asked me to go with Walden,
said she might need guns,
so I said, you know, OK, why not?
Grabbed me a saw, bungeed one of
the Huey doorways and away we went.
And, uh...
the captain was a big hero...
She died tragically in the desert,
and Major...
- Teegarden.
- Teegarden...
wants her to get the Medal of Honour,
so she'll get it.
When did the M-16 ammo run out?
M-16 ammo?
Blackhawk crew said
they heard M-16 fire during the rescue.
When did it run out?
I wouldn't know anything about that, sir.
You wouldn't?
As... as I recall, and, uh...
I'm not really sure,
but the M-16 ammo
ran out first thing in the morning.
First thing in the morning.
But you're not really sure?
Now I'm confused.
- You were there, weren't you?
- Affirmative, sir.
But I was on the saw.
Altameyer would know, sir.
- Yes, sir. He was manning the M-16.
- Oh, I see. OK.
OK, let's back up, then.