Thank God, you are saved!
You wash my dishes
There must be conspiracy!
China is stable and prosperous
The beautiful women are
specially beautiful
The handsome men are
specially handsome
I hope that our flag of Gum Sect,
will be found on their soil
The Chinese soldiers are poor
in health
The dissection of Flying Fairy is...
...to gather the Chinese doctors,
then, we will launch an attack to
the Chinese troops
Since they have no doctors,
our troops can march from the North
to South with ease
It'll be a piece of cake for us...
...to conquer China
You bastard,
you look like a dummy,
especially when you smile!
I don't know
why you are so dummy looking!
Stop it!
I'm like a dummy whenever I see you
When I see daddy,
I seem to be more foolish!
Don't you like my look?
Your dad ruined...
...his face,
because of practising
"No Face's Stance"!
A 2
I four
Got it?
D 4 and 7
H 25
Got it?
Two Six
Two Six
Try Two Five again
Two Five
Go back to 26
2 and 6
Got it?
Where do you feel itchy?