Alright, let's bath together!
I have bathed
Go bathing now
Better bath again
You go alone
I am the procuress,
welcome to be our new member
Seeing you...
I have something,
very, very...
Strange feeling that...
you feel like slapping me
Is Miss Gum Tso here?
I want to see her at once
Do you want to see her?
They are wishing to see
Miss Gum Tso too
Line up,
don't you think a handsome and
smart guy need not line up?
How can you tell I am smart?
I can tell you are sincere,
and kind-hearted, too!
It's lucky to have a friend like you
Shit! You can tell it too
I have to treat you dinner!
Sure you have to
Line up!
This scum doesn't want to line up!
Miss Gum Tso,
I've waited you for ages!
Stay calm...
Miss Gum Tso wishes to treat you
to a drink
Take a glass over there
This way...
Miss Gum Tso, a toast to you