Get over there, start shooting.
World's gonna wanna know
how we did this.
- New York City: the Territory Beyond !
- It's still out there !
Are you sayin'
you've found a way out of here ?
Not yet. If you wanna get
your hopes up, go ahead.
A little hope
never hurt anybody.
I will tell you
that this passage,
which George tells me leads to
the south tunnel, has some wormholes.
I'm gonna go in and see if they add up
to a way out. So if you pray, pray.
And if you don't, it might be
a good time to take it up.
[ Everybody Laughing ]
I promise you this, though--
Miss ?
- Huh ?
- Right here.
- All the way.
- Okay.
- You got me ?
- Yeah.
I promise you this:
If there is a way out,
I'll find it.
[ Everybody Laughing ]
Okay, hold on to that.
We're gonna make it.
- I'll be back soon.
- Yes, sir, we'll be waiting !
Listen, I'm gonna make one last sweep
of this tunnel, just in case he's right.
You keep trying to get somebody on
the other end of this thing. Take it.
- Hello ?
- [ Static ]
Need a refresher
on that Semtex procedure ?
- Set, wire, contact, run like hell.
- That's pretty much it, Chief.
[ Maddy On Walkie-Talkie ]
Can anyone hear me ?
I hear you.
Frank, got 'em !
[ Maddy ]
You can hear me ?
George ! George !
Okay, now, talk to me. How many people
are left alive down there ?
There's maybe a dozen,
and we're in the middle of the tunnel...
and there's a man who thinks
he knows the way out.
- How ?
- Something about a mid-river passage.
No, no, no, no.
Listen to me.
Tell them not to go in there. Tell them
we're coming down. Can you do that ?
- [ Static ] I can't hear you.
- Can you do that ?
- Hello !
- We lost 'em. Come on, Frank.