I know everybody's freezing, but we
have to make a short swim underwater.
Underwater ? Well, I'm not
so sure I can do this.
Look, if I can do it,
you can do it.
Everybody take three deep breaths...
and go. We can do this.
- Come on, baby. Come on.
- [ Gasps ] I can't !
I can't do this ! I can't.
- One, two, three.
- [ Breathing Quickly, Gasps ]
[ Gasping ]
And go. Come on.
- [ Gasping ]
- Come on. Keep going.
Get up there.
...three !
[ Gasping, Shivering ]
- [ Panting, Gasps ]
- I'm right behind you, Eleanor.
Yes ! Go !
[ Straining ]
[ Grunting ]
Here we go, boy.
Go, boy.
[ Whimpering ]
[ Coughing ]
Quick, get her out of the water.
Help her out. Help her out.
- [ Coughing ]
- [ Kit ] Go ahead.
[ Kit Mutters ]
[ Panting ]
All right,
everybody stay together.
All right, everybody stay
together. Use each other's
body heat. Fight the cold.