Dead Man

Oh, an Indian.
We ain't trackin' no goddamn
Injuns, Cole. I mean, uh,

hell, Dickinson didn't say nothin'
about trackin' no goddamn Injuns.

I mean, the boy's name
is William Blake.

You know a lotta Indians, do ya,
named William Blake? I mean,
"Howdy, Chief Billy..."

D'you hear somethin'?
- Did ya?
- No. No.

I guess it was nothin'.
You know about Wilson?
- What?
- Do you know about Cole Wilson?

What kinda question is that?
'Course I know about Cole Wilson.

Everybody knows about him.
He's a livin' legend.

Fucked his parents.
- He what?
- He fucked his parents.

- Both of'em?
- Yeah.

Mother. Father. Parents.
Both of'em. Fucked 'em.

And you know
what I heard?

After he killed 'em,
he cooked 'em up and ate 'em.

Are you telling me
he killed both his pa...

I'm tellin' you
he killed 'em. He fucked 'em.
He cooked 'em up. He ate 'em.

He ain't got a goddamn conscience.
You understand what I'm sayin'?

He'd just as soon slit
our goddamn throats in the
middle of the night as walk.
