Dead Man

Um, shouldn't you be
with your own tribe or somethin'?

My blood is mixed.
My mother was
Ohm gahpi phi gun ni.

My father is
Abso luka.

This mixture
was not respected.

As a small boy,
I was often left
to myself.

So I spent many months
stalking the elk people...

to prove I would soon
become a good hunter.

One day, finally,
my elk relatives took pity on me,

and a young elk
gave his life to me.

With only my knife,
I took his life.

As I was preparing to cut the meat,
white men came upon me.

They were English soldiers.
I cut one with my knife, but they
hit me on the head with a rifle.

All went black.
My spirit seemed
to leave me.

- I was then taken east...
in a cage.
I was taken to Toronto,
then philadelphia...

and then to New York.
And each time I arrived
in another city,

somehow the white men
had moved...

all their people there
ahead of me.

Each new city contained
the same white people as the last,

and I could not understand
how a whole city of people...

could be moved
so quickly.

Eventually, I was
taken on a ship...

across the great sea...
over to England,
