Dear God

"Yours sincerely, Marguerite. 2F."
The eagle has landed!
- What've you got there?
- Nothing.

What the hell's going on here?
Is this a fire drill?

Excuse me. Hi. You mentioned
the eagle. Is that important?

It is to me. After I crashed
and burned as a lawyer,

I had to find
something less stressful.

What we workaholics, yes, my name
is Rebecca and I am a workaholic,

call a recovery job. I have
my serenity and I'm still able...

I'm still able to do pro bono work.
Excuse me. But what does it mean,
"The eagle has landed"?

That means it's pay day.
Whispering Wendy Smith.
Wendy Smith? No? We lost cheque.
You know, Whispering Wendy.
Hold on. Can't locate Smith? OK.
Dooly. Herman Dooly. Thank you.
Smith? OK, good.
What is with that guy?
Dooly's our other burnout.
Behind this one?
Dooly was a carrier. Memorised
the entire Los Angeles phone book.

Then one day, he snapped. Bit a dog.
Ramon. Can I get to
the Dead Parcel Room this way?

- Dead Parcel?
- Dead Parcel. Where's Vladek?

Vladek is smoking!
Tom. Did you cash your cheque?
Yeah, I actually thought
this would be a little more.

Gross. People think
we swim in sea of gross
