Dear God

I knew everybody on my route.
I loved that route.
Don't get me wrong.
This don't mean
we're like friends or nothin'.

No, of course not.
Yeah, well.
I'm gonna punch out.
They said you wouldn't use the
seeing-eye dog, or even meet him.

Sorry I haven't been more often.
It's not the first time this year,
is it?

It's just I've been busy.
I'm doing some consulting.

Freelance. I have
more work than I can handle.

Had to bring in a staff of 37
for the holidays. You believe that?

- Would you cut the shit, Tom?
- Can't get anything by you, can I?

Never stops you from trying.
- Ma...
- Like father, like son.

I want you to be proud of me. I do.
It's just, what are the odds
on that happening?

Still gambling?
Still playing the horses?

You know, I do actually
have a job at the Post Office.

Cousin Guy set it up.
- I had a dream you were coming.
- Please, Mom, no dreams.

You were with this woman.
She was not from the Midwest
but she was nice. She could cook.

There was a kid, too. Who's that?
I have no idea, Ma.
This is my no-good son.
Gettin' married.
