...Gulf of Mexico...
...and Caribbean, Australasian...
...Hudson Bay...
...Baltic Sea...
...North Sea...
...English Channel...
...Irish Sea...
...Bering Sea.
Mrs. Baran fainted! Let's go.
-Get a doctor!
-I'll go!
The doctor's worried about you.
He thinks it's serious.
Where's the body?
Someone moved it, that's apparent.
Someone saw us put it in?
Well, I don't know. Maybe.
We must find him.
No, Mia.
Stick to our story. It's better
this way. We don't know where he is.
He'll turn up.
If he doesn't, all the better.
Okay? Did you take your
heart medicine? No.
We must act naturally.
You must ask about Guy.
Be concerned, like you would be
if he was really missing.
-His suit.
Oh, my God.