First you'll attempt to invade
Charleston harbour.
If you're good enough
to evade further pursuit,
you're going to attempt to sink shipping
right here at the naval base in Norfolk.
Simulated, of course.
- What do you think?
- I think I'm gonna get my ass kicked, sir.
Don't think like that.
Damn it to hell, don't go by the book.
Think like a pirate.
I want a man with a tattoo on his dick.
Have I got the right man?
By a strange coincidence you do, sir.
However, the task you've given me here
is close to impossible.
If I pull it off, that is get both ports...
I would like command of
my own nuclear sub.
- Setting terms now?
- No, sir.
But without command, once this exercise
is over I'm headed for a deskjob,
which means I'm out of the navy.
I can't make you any guarantees, Dodge,
but this is what I'll do.
I'll give you two live torpedoes.
I'll set a dummy ship in Norfolk harbour.
If I see that baby go up,
then we'll talk about your boat.
Thank you, sir.
Nice pants. Lose the cigar.
You better burn that shirt, sailor.
It's the crew from hell.
Good morning, sir! Martin G Pascal,
Executive Officer of the Stingray, sir!
- Do you come with a volume control?
- Sir?
Lt Commander Tom Dodge.
- You're kind of young for an XO.
- Excellence knows no age, sir.
What do you think about our boat?
I need a tetanus shotjust from looking at it.
The only thing holding her together
are the bird droppings, sir.
We have our crew here, I see.
What do you say we board them?
Yes, sir. Seaman Stanley Sylvesterson, sir!