- All you have to do is quit.
- My old man won't let me.
He's an admiral.
He thinks sub duty will shake me up.
I'm afraid you leave me no choice
but to relocate you.
- Really?
- Really.
- Buckman.
- Yes, sir?
Thank you, Buckman. That'll be all.
1B, cold.
Let me guess. Our electrician.
- 2B...
- Yes, sir.
- Naturally you would take the light end.
- You can't handle it, sweetheart?
Hey, this is the navy.
Don't call me sweetheart.
- Hey, Gomer, can you get this hatch for us?
- This week.
- What the hell are you doing?
- Stocking the pantry, sir.
You forgot "like an idiot", because
you're stocking the pantry like an idiot.
What are in these cans, Buckman?
That one's coffee.
That one looks like cooking lard, sir.
And which do you think
we're going to be using more often?
The coffee or the lard?
You think we're all going to jump out of bed
and have a big hot steaming cup of pig fat?
Well, if it's a cold morning, sir, you might...
The lard is in your head, Buckman!
Now you take a look at that galley chart.
Cos I want that cabinet repacked
regulation-style by 1100.